All Cirrus products are NZ industry standard or higher in compliance.
Cirrus are the experts on everything related to lift safety and accessibility. We can help at any stage of the process, from design right through to install, to ensure compliancy. Our experienced team can also suggest and provide additional safety devices required for necessary upgrade projects.
Our range includes a number of components to make elevators more accessible and usable for people with a disability. From braille push buttons, voice annunciation units and large displays through to easy-to-install door detectors, we provide everything you need to ensure your lift is safe and usable for everyone.
Just give us a call and we will make sure you have what you need!
Designed to maintain communication between a person in need of assistance and the service provider, our reliable and easy to use emergency telephones are one of the most vital pieces of safety equipment for lifts.
Vital to avoiding accidents, door detection units ensure lift doors open and close safely and detect any people or obstructions in the way of the lift doors.
Full colour lift displays ranging from 4.3 inch through to 21.5 inch HD screens. Some are individually programmable to include voice annunciation, video playback, tenant messages. NZ code requirements specify that messages must not be rolling text, our screens adhere to this requirement, and more!
Large range of additional plates available to comply with lift safety standards. Braille is a lift requirement, both on buttons and on the floor designations for users. Update your building to meet the needs of passengers who are visually impaired.